
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wandering as Therapy

Storytelling used to happen around fires. Now they most often happen via the media, a publishing company and technology. A story requires a sender and a receiver.

Woke up with left shoulder aching/talking to me. Do I go to the spa or get another massage? I did neither. I went wandering. Along my bike path there are open fields of tall grass, nettles, willows and cottonwoods. One area that I had not yet explored caught my eye inviting me in. I went there this morning.

One summer past the path I chose led to a tent. I avoided that area after that. This morning the path led me to a campsite with beer cans and debris. I piled everything on the old blanket lying there. I thought I would leave it like that but then realized I would take it all out of there. From there I walked to another willow area. As I was "swimming" through the nettles with long sleeves for protection I noticed how they were rubbing against my shoulder. Healing green. Walking the fields is not like walking on pavement and it's very good for ankles. In the tall grass one is never sure what is underfoot. I was clumsy and off balance going. Coming back I attuned to legs and feet. I connected consciously and followed them to the ground finding new balance and harmony. Is this why I'm thinking about doing ji-gong? Will that help me with grounding?

At the next willow area I layed on the earth and soon the sun was peeking in from the East through the low branches. I greeted sun eye to eye. At that moment my head felt as if it was being held in sweet embrace of earth. It actually felt like two hands holding my head like a massage therapist would do. A precious moment of connection. I walked out later and laid in the open field looking up at white clouds. I love to wander.

I dragged the old blanket with debris behind me as I left. First with the right hand/arm/shoulder then with the left hand/arm/shoulder and then with both hands held pulling together at lower back. I had a short but steep embankment to climb up to the trail and I did so with that debris. Such good therapy at all levels! People on the trail probably thought I was a homeless person with wet jeans and shoes...and a new red tail hawk feather in my jacket zipper. I didn't care!

Sun radiates unconditionally. I wonder what point holds focus for sun. Is it a point in another galaxy or a parallel universe? Would there be holding points of focus for each planet in the solar system?


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