
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Negative Wall

I'm happy withdrawing and being still. Logic tells me to write and track evolution of light.

Light is because of dark. Dark is because of light. Two opposites relating.

I hit some nerve, vein, meridian...something. A circuit that carries negative force in or out of body...maybe both.

Head, shoulders and body are dealing with new pressure and stress. I thought it had gone but no it came back around. New vibration wants to sound through these parts. In with integration and out with disintegration. In the stillness I choose calm and soothing music. I choose new balance through how many activities I schedule and who I spend time with.

An example of the negative wall: yesterday I grabbed a hammer to pound stakes to support my tomatoes. As I walked by my car with hammer in hand I saw my whole body hitting my car with hammer. Where did this violence come from? Is dark so intimate with light that it would create this visual? I'm also being bombarded with negative thinking about this, that and everything else. Quite a challenge. My response is to greet each negative "being" with white light. It's a lot of work to stay alert and do this constantly. But that's the work now. Another example of this wall is at work as I hit against individuals who don't want to respond or support the speaker's bureau system that I'm trying to establish. One staff person put up negativity about the 10K opportunity! What is underneath that attitude?

If a shield of white light was in constant play what role would one have on earth? Wouldn't one want to float away into heaven? And yet that's an escape route it seems. Who will stay with dark matter and do the work? Who will love the unconscious body enough to do the light work? And who will stay long enough to see rainbow circling Earth?

What do light and dark look like, sound like, taste like, smell like, feel like when they move in balanced harmony? Who is eager enough, passionate enough to discover?


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