
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Increased Light and New Mental Patterns

Bike riding this morning different people came to mind. Some whom I've been in conflict with over the years. Instead of the old negative greeting as they came to mind I greeted them with new creative thinking. I saw one woman's heart expand larger than her ego. I heard myself surround another person in empathy. This was not an affirmation from mental mind...that tactic is so dead end. This new pattern came from a cycle of dealing with toxins at several levels. This inner work takes more than mental gymnastics. I hope this new patterning will be sustained and even expanded. Guess I'm the one to make that happen as I do my own inner light work.

Yesterday driving to work...I thought about my blog statement that light evolves. I questioned that. (How is this statement different from simply asking: Does light evolve? It seems to me that when we make a statement it must ground in our own experience...otherwise it's all in the mental mind. The difference is in the focus and the sound. How would this way of communicating effect science?) Maybe light simply IS. Electricity comes to mind and as I read in my journal from years ago elves "download electricity". That's what they told me. Elves are light beings that have a focused purpose in the whole body.

Does light evolve at the same time and level that matter evolves? Do they evolve together? If so that would mean that human consciousness is critical in our evolution as a species in a whole cosmos of parts. Our light radiation is critical in response to sun substance that is transmitted, received and transmitted again. It's that bouncing of light beams in crystal community.


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