
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

More Walls

I had another run in with someone today. I keep hitting these walls with people. Am I that difficult to get along with? The interesting thing is that I am willing to take responsibility for my part of the disagreement/misunderstanding but they are too busy blaming and being defensive to see their part in the drama.

My style is to go with the flow and this doesn't work for people. I change my mind a lot because my feelings change a lot. That is not a good business style but it's my style. I call it process....Life is a process for me. For others Life seems to be something you control.

There is nothing that I will not let go of in order to uphold the way I am in process with Life. If others can't work with me or relate to be it. Life is always moving on and I move with it. How simple it would all be if we would just say to one another, "I'm sorry for the confusion. Let's start anew." That would mean letting go of the old...why is that so difficult?


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