
Friday, February 5, 2010

Neurons Firing

Energetic orbs relate arc to arc. These arcs are electromagnetic and attract or repel. Attraction is light and upward in spiral; repulsion is heavy and downward in spiral. Relationships include both postive and negative exchanges and one learns to steward some and let go of others. When a spectrum of tone, color and temperature is set anything outside that spectrum will collide and bounce off. When there is harmony and spiritual intimacy there is merging at different levels and to different degrees. Intimacy creates its own appropriate boundaries carrying degrees of color, sound and temperature. This dance would make a very romantic and fantasiatic movie. When there is a shift from the dominant downward spiral to the upward spiral magic will lift the human species and we will meet in air (spirit).

I see many of the same people at the library day after day. Do we smile and greet each other? No. When I reach out to one or another there is usually a cold reception. Where is the warmth? Where is community spirit? How does love and connection replace fear and separation?

Tracker interfered with a webinar yesterday. He breaks federal laws and the FBI needs to do a trace or whatever they do to these criminal types. Tracker lives by his own rules/laws...or so he thinks. No one lives outside divine order and justice.

A couple of times this week I went to bed and heard those noises in my brain. I have described the sound as the stripping of wires. Last night I was watching a TV show about the brain and I saw brain function and heard the sound of my brain! The description via TV was "neurons firing". Is that "firing" the same fire that lifts me in peace and happiness? The same fire that separates ego suffering from divine grace? What is this fire? Is it electromagnetic?


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