
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Forces of Nature

Fire = core pressure
Core pressure = fire
Fire = emotions
Emotions = thought, word, action
Action = pressure
Pressure = change via both chaos and order

I continue to communicate honestly from pressure at my core. There is always room to ask myself about the unconscious and subconscious layers underneath the conscious words and actions I extend into the world via relationships. How clear am I and what's behind the pressure that moves me? How do I regulate, monitor and gauge my core energy/fire that creates personal weather patterns?

At the Folklife Festival I saw a woman I had not seen for years. I had taken her wild foods class and quit early because I thought she was rude and narrow minded. We chatted and she casually mentioned the challenge of our previous relationship. I, too, brought the past forward and lightly commented about my role in the relationship. There was no blame on either side. There was, however, acknowledgment of that past sticky situation. There was now, in both of us, respect for differences and humility. It was remarkable how quickly healing occurred woman to woman. Can this happen woman to man?

The oil spill is a sign that life as we have known it is ending. We have crossed a threshold, a boundary.

Water, air, earth, fire are not commodities for human greed and abuse. They are living and breathing forces/beings of nature. Thay have circulatory and respiratory circuitry. We are part of them and they are part of us. To respect and honor -- know -- these forces of Nature means that we must also respect and honor -- know -- one self.


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