
Monday, June 28, 2010

Healing Time

Went to Soul Food Books for Narayan and Janet's concert. I introduced myself to a Native American man in the crowd. I am now plugging in to the Yakima Nation in Eastern Washington and may participate in a drumming circle there. This native man attends Unity church in Yakima...met a couple of his friends. I love the networking Circle of Life book provides.

Healing happens. In my body (pacing myself) and between bodies. I am grateful to have my g-kids back in my life again...especially when Parker snuggles up close and Sierra shows me her class yearbook. A woman I had a disconnect with reappeared and we talked. Felt good. Last week I had two disconnects with two friends. One of whom called this morning for a good heart to heart. I am amazed at the healing that is in play. Seems there is a lot of fire moving in people and healing requires a cooling off and re-engagement. I am learning alot about my own fire and how it effects my communication. Such great opportunities for new pathways to charge in our brain-bodies.

A great teleconference call with Evolutionary Leaders as we encircled our blue-green water planet with conscious energy. I kept seeing a white capped pipeline and blue green waters...clean and clear. Some talk about an LA event. Am I ready to promote my book in LA?


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