
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hopi 7th Prophecy

That Eagle in the sky carried impact because of its line of was flying North to South in a straight line of intention. I walked outside directly into its path. Now that is communication!

Radio interview with Jacques with Soul of Seattle at East West Book Shop was so fun. It's unique to engage in conversation with someone who is metaphysically oriented. He commented during the interview that the interview was "shamanistic" because of my joy, etc. Does that mean that I animated emotion? Does that mean that shamanism is not something one does but is the spirited e-motion of one's being? And does not "animation" refer to our primal instincts...and are not those instincts of joyful light? Seems humans have forgotten that expression and thus identity.

Muddy waters...all around. Humans are very sick! Where does the healing begin and is it too late?

A friend was telling me about the 9 predictions of the Hopi and that the 7th is the blackening of waters. Humans can turn the tide...and purify their inner and outer worlds.


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