
Friday, December 17, 2010

Truth & the Great Lie

Some people reading this blog will not understand my stories/experiences. My family does not so how can I expect that of strangers. I live in a multi-dimensional world and have stories both Dark/Negative and Light/Positive that I have not told. It is "risky" being different in this world.

I am aware that behind people's pattern of whining and complaining is fear and insecurity. I'm aware of this dark negativity because I lived there and it was awful--barren and empty. I am so very grateful that I was able to leave that space time, offer self-intervention and integrate Light of Love into my consciousness and life. Sometimes this intervention has to happen externally by someone or a collective group saying that certain behavior is no longer tolerated. Intervention is critical for healing.

We had our last discussion group for Transition. One of the circle questions was how our life had changed as a result. One woman said that she is off of anti-depressants. Another said she no longer feels alone. Another expressed gratitude for her 80-year-old dad who taught her skills that are now part of Transition Reskilling. This is the Heart and Soul of Transition...inner transition where true change happens. This personal transition ensures that we are not engaged in politics as usual.

At a social event someone was asked about her sick mother-in-law. "She's dead," was the reply. I questioned the cold and flat "dead" and asked if she was not in heaven. "No, she didn't accept Jesus." I responded saying that Creator is loving and doesn't leave anyone out. I added that my view is how she and I differ. She didn't get mad and continued in her happy way. Does she think that I'm a sinner also? This distortion of Jesus' teachings is the Great Lie.


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