
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Brain Body Effects

My brain/head feels different. Reminds me of my kundalini experience years ago and how it was difficult to function in this world. I simply don't have the energy to do a lot of tasks. I feel pressure...spacey. Dis-engaged. I want to BE more still and quiet. I didn't feel like making phone calls this morning but needed to and it did help energize me. When will I be normal again? A new normal?

Maybe it's the detox effects from my new way of eating. The homeopathic enzyme remedy from my nutritionist allows me to have bread and sweets once in awhile. I appreciate this freedom. Often I am not even hungry for sweets! So, I'm sure my whole brain body is feeling this effect.

Heard Shirley MacLean on Oprah last night. She owns 8,000 acres in New Mexico and has chickens, garden, sees UFOs, advocates for meditation to be taught in school, etc. I like this woman!! Her new book I'm Over That should be interesting. I'm about to read Fractal Time by Gregg soon as it is delivered.n Which reminds me. When I was drumming with my fingers I thought of the yarn paintings by the Huichol people and how I'd like to paint my shamanic drumming images. Guess I can paint an image on my drum. Shirley MacLean talked about the power of crystals and how they are abundant in Peru.


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