Red Ray Dragon

The shamanic drumming this morning reminds me of my shamanic week at Esalen in Big Sur, California. There were very large forces there ready and waiting to come through. I was, and am, happy to facilitate this movement and communication.
Which drum to use? I choose the one I made years ago in a class called Birthing A Drum.
6:00 AM
Morning with sweet robin song
I close eyes and start to drum. I immediately see a N/S solid line. I wonder at it listening, holding. A snap shot came up of Tracker from years ago at an Earth Day event with drumming. Someone had made a critical/negative comment and I observed Tracker's insecurity, vulnerability. I observed a weak spot. This information was and is a window into his distorted behavior patterns. Fear creates insecurity; insecurity creates over-compensation; over-compensation creates distorted behavior patterns. These negative loops are strong and binding. Knowing the root cause does not excuse the behavior. Knowing calls for responsibility.
I drum....solid line becomes separate bricks/parts and softens with squiggly motion. I am reminded of snake's skin from the garden now on my book shelf near me. Serpent snake that gets bad rap because her/his sacred way was taken and forgotten. Bees come in. Both good medicine for Shamanic Pathways. Both needing human intervention.
Drumming now very intense, loud. Line is porous. Substance moves through E/W & W/E. Bird chorus re-sounding.
6:20 AM
I think about upcoming job at small farm and that an "agreement" needs to be written. I take charge of busy mind and focus on drumming intent. Serpent appeared N/S in stature. I go down her/his open mouth that faces heaven. I stop at belly/center. Fire in belly. I stay letting fire mold me inside and out. I am diamond crystal. Serpent has big smile. I feel the emotion. "Is this the end of the drumming?" I put out into the universe. No. Serpent wraps around central fire as a Mother/Father holds a baby/child.
6:32 AM
Drumming. With serpent we fly gathering/scooping continents, nations, countries, counties, cities inside belly. I notice the top of my head is vibrating with intense pressure. I notice musical quality to drumming as hand is moving intensely in N/S line. Serpent flies over land mass emitting substance. What is the substance I ask and look closer. Fire. Serpent is breathing Fire. Safe fire when it flows free through substance. Red Ray Dragon to complement Blue Ray Dragon many months before. I notice the N/S song of reverberting, dancing drum. I move hand creating E/W drumming and sound.
Esalen comes in with cat rock at cliff/beach and cat photograph I bought there and near me. I see Esalen is not underwater. I see Esalen with more land. I think of the West Coast of USA. It is like this N/S line. We hold this line. Drumming ends.
8:00 AM I turn on CNN. Japan had an earthquake at midnight. The weather anchor is showing the island with line along the East coast and quake in center. It looks just like my N/S serpent with fire in the belly. I see that there is communication and movement between the West coast of the USA and the East coast of Japan.
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