
Monday, April 4, 2011


I am keeping the pressure on this woman and her response is that I am "angry" and she is not "safe." I will continue to speak up about negative energy in my relationships and not sweep things under the carpet. Yes, I am a wall negativity hits in a feedback loop. How is it processed? How is it transmuted?

To ____________

Sunday at the Transition meeting you said that Transition Earth Day UNLEASHING events have been done before and there was nothing “new.” You had said this to me before adding that bee activities are the ones new and interesting. I am not aware that Grange, SVA or SVAC has offered an indigenous ceremony, chicken processing or a Transition ROCKS concert and dance. These activities are all new as is the whole context, structure and process of Transition.

I find your comments regarding UNLEASHING to be negative, divisive and simply untrue. Your way of putting something down while promoting your agenda is politics as usual. This is not the way of Transition. Transition is an inclusive circle that honors and respects all the parts by bringing them together in positive light.

Please do not say that you and bees activities were not included. I tried several times to add a bee event to the UNLEASHING schedule and poster. You did not have anything in mind until the last minute when there was a full schedule and the poster needed to go to the printer.

Please stop your negative energy and comments about our UNLEASHING events.


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