
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Feedback Loops

I was talking with a friend and noticed that I was multi-tasking while talking. I realized my body was not centered. Was it due to the sweets I had the night before? I spoke to her about this the next day because it was the look in her eye/on her face that alerted me to my lack of centeredness. She didn’t confirm my behavior so perhaps it was an unconscious response from her.

I was complaining about a situation while sitting with two friends. The man sat in silence and his silence helped me look at my language and consider the impact I was having on my environment. I decided to do less complaining and be more pro-active about the negative situation.

Helping on the small farm is challenging. The hoarding and controlling personality refuses to let go of the old to let something new (space and light) in. I’ve been in trouble with this personality a couple of times and it’s stressful. She and I had a pointed conversation that released some underground tension. I emailed that I want harmony in my life and that if we aren’t compatible I want to make a change sooner than later. Relationship hold a variety of feedback loops!

Another challenging round with another personality today. What's my lesson in all this? I am so naive about people and so I get to learn how to protect myself and not get entangled. To rise above and yet to hold my ground. A lesson in balance as my nerves flare up!


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