
Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Circle Closes

We had our final discussion group for the second "wave" of Transition Woodinville. One young man into survival skills talked about buying a gun and the fear factors of the future. I followed him in the circle and talked about higher vibration, light and lifting our own energies and the planet's. I'm surprised at how open I am about my Truth in this circle. Very transparent!

During the discussion we talked things we enjoy doing. Singing came up. I suggested that we sing more and someone suggested doing so at the end of our discussion. The end arrived and I offered a song and then a friend asked about a song I had sung in the car on our way to hear Dr Emoto at the Lummi Tribe. So I ended our six weeks of discussion with:

Where I sit is holy
Holy is the ground
Forest Mountain River
Listen to the sound
Great Spirit Circle
All around me

I love to re-sound my brain/body voice in uplifting song! For me it was a perfect ending of our circle...and was not planned or mapped out by mental mind. It evolved through the creative co-operation of community.


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