
Monday, March 7, 2011

Connections = Relationships = Feedback Loops

Matter holds positive and negative charge creating an energetic and environmental field.

Positive charge = hot = acidic
Negative charge = cold = alkaline
The two charges co-operate to create balance for equilibrium and health.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and is part of the elimination system. The skin releases toxins through disease. When a conscious mechanism and system is in place disease subsides and radiant health is expressed through Love and Truth.

Earth’s crust is the largest organ of her body and is part of the elimination system. The crust releases toxins through disease and eruption. When a conscious mechanism and system is in place disease subsides and radiant health is expressed through Love and Truth.

Matter relates to matter due to the attraction of positive male and negative female charge.

These relationships are connections that act as feedback loops.

Feedback loops have a wide range of configurations depending on chemistry, temperature, tone, spatial distance, etc.

When feedback becomes too hot and acidic or too cold and alkaline the relationship breaks down. This is the gift of a self-regulating and intelligent system. To honor this system consciousness must be present—consciousness that embraces deep sub-conscious and unconscious feedback loops. Learned patterns of toxic behavior must be acknowledged and addressed directly—face to face—head on.

As capacity of consciousness increases so does evolution of matter.

Consciousness is the feedback loop of energy and matter in relationship.

Food is matter and I am relearning how to relate to it. Males are matter and I am relearning how to relate to them. Same is true of my relationships to females. Same is true of my relationship to collective community. Relating matter to matter I hit walls and learn something new. I hit more walls and learn something new again. Like a baby learning to walk.

I’m grateful for this lifetime opportunity to evolve through energy and matter that I AM.


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