
Friday, February 11, 2011

Power Point

Transition Woodinville is holding a March meeting at the local library as part of Transition Snoqualmie Valley’s library series. TSV is using power point to educate and inspire. I have never been interested in giving power point presentations. I prefer eye to eye contact and the emotional/spiritual energy that can generate via audience attention and response. Someone in the new TW group is interested in creating the power point – hooray! To balance this some TW members will speak about their role in the community and what Transition means to them and someone will talk about worldwide Transition initiatives. We’ll open the whole space up for discussion. This feels round and balanced.

Androgyny holds two inner “power points”: male and female. When they are in synch harmony, balance and health is manifested. I have some experience of this unified and whole connection and my capacity grows.

Androgyny dynamics expand when an external “power point” comes into play. When spatial alignment happens all systems light up in response and harmony, balance, health is manifested. There is a point, a purpose, to this connection in Light: Evolution of Matter/En-lightenment. What is true for humans is true for planets and stars. Constellation of Light is present and evolving.

When one part of the whole violates the space of another part there is disharmony, distrust and turbulence. These parts range from cells to planets. This violation can happen at psychic, emotional, mental and physical levels. What do victims do about such violation? They march on the streets in protest, name the source of abuse and work to change/enlighten the larger system. When a critical mass has the courage to stand up and speak out there is change at micro and macro levels.

Infusing these levels is feary dust that unifies and creates ONE whole. Do you feel it? Hear it? Breathe it? Express it? Violation and violence cannot live in this harmonic space -- it will be booted out.


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