
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tap Root Awareness

I asked “What is a wall of resistance?" and this story opened before me:

As a young child I resisted letting go of sucking my thumb and carrying a “binky.” Grade school arrived and I was encouraged to let these old habits go. I resisted and hung on…until the pressure from within and without assisted me in this change of behavior.

As a young adult I was lost and in darkness. I was looking for love in all the wrong places. I hit a wall. I hit bottom. And I rose up and out with the support of Light Beings.

I have experienced two husbands. We loved each other and shared happy times. We also hit walls. When I outgrew (learning my lessons from these teachers) the relationships I moved on.

Currently I am hitting walls involving my love affair with sugar laden foods. This long term relationship pattern is in my brain, blood, nerves and muscles. It's in my cellular memory as a source of comfort from infancy. I hit walls of resistance when I try to let go of this habitual pattern. When I feel clean and clear I hit fear. What am I afraid of...the empty void and the unknown?

What is this dynamic of hitting a wall? What is the headache I get when I have to absorb more details? What is the fear I hit when I begin to let go of sugar and empty foods? I get that it’s a lack of brain networking via synapse, dendrite, etc. The wall is a block and empty space.

I am not craving sugar right now. Crisp apple slices in lime juice sprinkled with cinnamon is lighting me up. Organic red grapes give my mouth more satisfaction than an Almond Joy. Saurkraut is nourishing my whole system. My intent, once again, is to stay in this healthy place of balance. This requires a deep tap root awareness into unconscious and subconscious patterns as well as an over view of consciousness. All three levles of psyche must be in aligned relationship for healthy change.

I am in a new place spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. To do more work in this world I have to be sharper and more alert. Some previous habit patterns do not support this new capacity of responsibility. Thus I make these ongoing changes…happily and in gratitude.


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