
Friday, January 14, 2011

Dreaming our Reality

Yes, new Eye and eyes open showing signs of new level of alertness.
Yes, wings of protection embrace us.
Yes, miracles manifest through the power of emotional friendships.
Yes, we heal through darkness.
Yes, positive change happens through negative circumstance.

Interesting news re shooter Jared Loughner's "obsession" with lucid dreaming and how this subconscious reality was where he could create things a fly. So, how can this subconscious realm create such pain and violence? Because there was no conscious receptor to balance him? Because drugs interfered? Because?

Are we all in a lucid dream state that was altered by extra-terrestials via DNA as presented on television's Ancient Aliens recently?

I see a green garden with faery folk living in peace and harmony tending to/supporting plant life and sustaining homeostasis. And then interference from outside forces intending to destroy Nature. Do opposite forces continue to do battle for footage? Will common ground, balance and peace be found?

I awoke and a friend crossed my mind. I reached out with an embrace....of angel wings! It was not my intention to communicate this way. It was not something I planned ahead. It simply manifested in the moment. This is the language of the Sacred Feminine as something enchanting rises up from the deep dark depths of psyche.

Inner and outer worlds continue to thin in transparency as dramas of this world reflect (like water) enchantment of another. This enormous responsibility brings up tears of humility. These are times of collective miracles.

A couple people in the TW team are questioning my process. Yes, I push the group by following my vision and intuition. Yes, I dive in! They want a more linear process...slowing things down. I have my own gears that I honor...homeostasis at play. One man thanked me for my work saying that if I wasn't doing this no one else would. And there are many more who are eager to engage and be creative. I notice it's the left-brain "political" types who want things to be more controlled so they can wrap their minds around it.

And the creative process continues to reveal itself as I meet with a group of women to plan Earth Day events in April. Someone from Slow Food reaches out asking for support. Do I hesitate? No way! Do I say I have to get permission from others? Not as I see it. I continue to charge ahead because this synergy is food for the soul of our collective body.


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