
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Honey Bees and Earth Body

Last night I looked for the window and faery. She was not present but the window loomed large in tree substance. I went to my "corner" and listened/watched. Bees came through. The covered me. I thought of honey, nectar, flower, pollination. Was I feeding them or were they feeding me? I felt them on my skin and enjoyed their company.

I've been sick with a cold the past few days and in an altered state. A friend suggested I caught a bug from someone. I told her I didn't believe that. I do believe that if my immune system is healthy I do not get sick. Another cycle of holiday treats that took me down. I am yielding in this altered state and learning from this illness.

Is the window in circle a blueprint of the psyche? Is the corner a place where I am healed of old patterns that were for coping but which never nourished? Faeries told me once that they "download" energy. I appreciate their work between worlds. They are shamans, healers, medicine folk and super stars in a divine network of light.

Some "professional" might suggest that I need to get over it. Simply say "no" to comfort foods. Healing requires deep, deep work and takes time. As I know this for myself I know this of others. There is no room for judgment. There is room to be still and listen to the wise ones in many dimensions. For me the challenge of every holiday is to transcend not only my own patterns but collective patterns. My body will now know when it's Valentine's Day. I can feel the frantic energy. And so it is for every holiday. Can I learn to be more still and centered in the chaos of this world?

This morning I parked my car at the top of the driveway to check the mail. Getting back into my car I put my head into the car door panel. I have a good gash at the left side of the top of my head! Now how does such a thing happen? Is that to balance my right side...with a good jolt to the left? I didn't think it fun or funny! In fact, it upset me. It's as if I wasn't in my body. This vacancy is a bit scary. I have to continually focus on being grounded in the moment. I don't understand it all so I simply tell the stories.

The other day I watched steam rising from my cup of herbal tea. It was meditative. I am needing more of this kind of medicine as I have alot of fire and love working/doing. As one who advocates Goddess Being over Masculine Doing I need to take my own medicine! Maybe this circle/square space in consciousness will take me and us to the next level of well being and intelligence.


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