
Friday, December 24, 2010

Goddess is Born

Goddess is born in every moment rising up from Earth and down from Heaven. Weaving North of Winter, South of Summer, East of Spring and West of Autumn. She gives and She takes away.

Goddess speaks through voice, sees through eye, hears through ear, smells through nose, touches through body, intuits through brain/body. She will not be held back in darkness for this is her Time to Shine.

May the LoveLight of Goddess shine in our lives in every moment. May we honor Her natural, organic and creative processes that are pure in heart mind with Old Satan of EgoMind shrinking in size and in power.

May we bow in humility and listen in Sacred Silence. As we celebrate a Christian Holiday we honor all Light Beings past, present and future. Light of Love transcends and weaves all the parts into one harmonic whole. Peace prevails on Earth.


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