
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Resistance to Resilience

To __________

This communication to me is rude, disrespectful and inappropriate. I ask that you not email me in this way again.

I am currently scheduling appointments with city council members as I did with Brittany at BuyBOTHELL. I am doing so to listen to their ideas about what "buy local" might look like in Woodinville. Listening to others is key to building a resilient community and creating partnerships. Listening is how we tap into the "creative genius" of our community. Listening is a humble process as one is open to the thoughts and feelings of others. I see creative possiblities with the city, chamber and others. Please don't tell me again, "That won't work." I don't see the world the way you do.

Inclusion is what makes Transition unique. It is not politics as usual with the old you vs. me/us vs. them mentality. I care about inclusion and see it as a circle with many parts that are valued and respected.

TW orientations, facebook, website and events are all opportunities to include people (the many parts) in our community by inviting them to participate and contribute their visions, ideas and actions that revolve around positive solutions. I don't intend to stop this flow of creativity that is already in motion.

I love this work of reaching out and building community and I intend to keep charging forward in a positive way that is right for me.


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