
Friday, January 7, 2011

Transition Transfusion

Responded to Rob Hopkin's New Year post at About Unleashing event in Brasilia. Full of color and sound...alive! Words in reponse came through as "Transition Transfusion."

Words are the children of emotion and thought. The are wired in heart/mind and they come up and out through darkness of subconscious heart/mind. They help us be "intelligent" as they reveal what is transpiring in our creative living. This is not linear intelligence but something much more enchanting. Scientists call it quantum physics. I watch it play out in front of me and follow it like the yellow brick road. This creative force needs me as much as I need it. Language is a powerful tool.

Unhealthy food, people, behavior, thoughts create holes in our personal energy field. Adjustments must be made if one is to live and thrive. Same is true of collective field.

Transition activity reminds me of white blood cells and hormones that self-regulate the system of body. Keep up the pressure; keep up the flow.


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