
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Music of Conscious 2011

The news anchor smiles and sounds upbeat as she reports that thousands of birds have fallen out of sky and lie dead in Arkansas; and that hundreds of dead fish have been washed ashore; Keith Stephens from the Arkansas Fish and Wildlife jokes that locusts are next. Why is news of death and destruction reported as entertainment? My emotional intelligence gets furious at this lack of sensitivity. Will I write to CNN about this? Who would I address?

He’s often grumpy. I witnessed his immature behavior and rude manner of speaking to his wife. I will not tolerate anyone speaking to me that way. It was sad to see/hear that she had her own way of reacting.

I took a personality style test on facebook. I am intrapersonal, naturalistic and musical. Musical? I know nothing about music I thought. And yet I am sensitive to the music in my daily life. I am sensitive to the sounds that come out of mouths—my own and others. I choose the tones that surround me.

On January 1, 2011 I look back on my relationships with men the past ten years.

He (a man in this dimension) and I had a telepathic connection that was fiery, sexual. I thought the relationship would ground in this realm. It never did. I thought the fire meant love. That emotion and language was never displayed. I didn’t know about telepathic predators who feed of female energy. He got married. I disconnected. How many women does he relate to in this way?

I met him at a talk. Afterward he blasted me telepathically with sexual fire. Soon he let it be known that he was married. Because of my previous telepathic relationship I was not keen about another one that would never ground in this realm. How many women does he relate to in this way?

He and I dated for a couple months. He was stuck in adolescence and alcohol. He blamed others. I ended it.

He exuded animal magnetism and I fell into another telepathic spin. This relationship held more than fire. How many women does he relate to in this way?

He seemed autistic and wanted to help. I gave him that opportunity. Soon he was talking about sex and that he had never been sexual with a woman. I got tired of fighting him off and will not see him again.

What is my lesson regarding men and fire? Is it about a father who was inappropriate with women; a father who was not available emotionally or mentally? Is it about recreating the music that I grew up with?

And what is my lesson regarding telepathic relationships with men in this realm? They are not sustainable.

And what is the lesson regarding “other women?” Men will change when women change asking for deeper and more meaningful relationship. And women will change when men change asking for the same. Why continue to accept that which is not nourishing at a soul level? Why continue to accept music that is off key?

With increased transparency I begin this New Year with inner male and inner female in agreement. I choose the music of 2011.

For the first time I heard some Transition “gossip” that was off key. She was retelling that someone had commented how a certain group/network was better than another. Her tone of voice was adding fuel to that negative fire. I cut it off saying that Transition is not about old politics with "me vs you" / "us vs them." It’s about inclusion, the more sustainable groups the better and that diversity is healthy.

A healing miracle! A manifestation of sour music turning sweet as he and I sat for two hours working on a budget project in total peace and harmony. We could not have done that a year ago or six months ago. Our cycles of tension and conflict opened up into new territory. Now that is sweeping transition!

Another mystical journey as I looked for the window. A North South tall faery being wings its way West to East in the window. I watch, listen. Told there is a hole in the South East and leakage of substance. Told to put hands on that area. I think about round Earth body and what is located in SE. Arkansas? I place my hands and feel the pressure. As I hold steady Earth body inflates/rounds out. I think about my own body and how my right hip area talks to me about discomfort when I am out of balance nutritionally. Or is it my left hip? It depends on how I view my body…from inside or outside. Am I a vibrational circle with square lines of body?

As I write I get that the window has to do with energetic Meridian lines, Longitude and Latitude. I get that winged Light Beings are assisting with our healing.

As I re-read this lengthy post I see connections through the words and images. How mouths are leaking toxins and need to be intervened. How relationships are leaking toxins and need the same. How both are ingesting toxins. How I choose the level of toxins that flow in and out of my field. All reminding me of a flute – and the pituitary gland that regulate hormones in the body.


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