
Friday, January 7, 2011


I used to respond to comments posted on Deepak Chopras website. Now, I am responding to Rob Hopkin's Transition Culture website. It's a very nourishing process to engage and be stimulated in feeling, thought, word and action. Doing so creates a unified force that is critically needed NOW to shift our system into alignment.

Personal resilience conveys a fluidity and grace that is needed as we interract with diverse personalities. I continue to be amazed at the differences between people.

In the outreach and engagement of community organizing I sometimes meet individuals who push my buttons and thus set into motion a whole series of reactions — if I let them.

These individuals are my teachers and give me the opportunity to learn to self-regulate my emotions, thoughts and language in order to bridge the gap, heal the rift or dis-engage. Being resilient I get to choose the quality of my responses.

Our inner story is reflected in our outer story both individually and collectively. The more personal response-ability we can take for our own emotions, thoughts, words and actions the healthier…and happier…we will be. As will others around us.

Ego is not resilient and digs in its heels. The higher road is to evolve to another level of Being/Feminine and Doing/Masculine. Resilience is cooperation and partnership between these two opposites.


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