
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Window, Wings, Bees, Water

I awoke and thought to look for the window. It was not in focus as it was before. However, I stay open, receptive. I see two wings one East and one West of window. I skipp in Green Garden. I invite a friend (in this realm) to play and twirl with the song from grade school: Motor boat, motor boat go so slow, motor boat, motor boat, motor boat go so fast, motor boat, motor boat step on the gas. By facing one to one, using hands to grip, digging feet into earth and turning slow, faster and fastest one experiences the twirling tension of two. It’s so fun!

Then I wonder what to play next and again I stay open, receptive. I see bird’s eggs and wonder at how I am in space looking down at bird's eggs. As I write this I get that “wonder at” is not the same as “wonder about.” One is mystical/feminine/reflective the other mental/masculine/active. Then a buzzing pattern appears and I am round buzzing bee flying in air. I encourage my friend to fly. We are being told to exercise our wings. This is an instruction that will be needed in the future. So, imagine childlike...use the imagination...exercise those muscles of brain.

She and I have constant tension. We are polar opposites. Recently she invited me to support her bee art project with hives made of wood and painted. Shortly after that I had the bee dream. At the last TW meeting I stated that I liked “Get Resilient” as a logo theme and someone else preferred “Be Resilient.” At that comment I saw image of bee and thought what a great theme/logo. I’m hoping the team will like the bee ideas as it would be a fun “signature” for TW here in the valley.

In the midst of dark chaos and conflict she sends an email to the group about water and the health benefits of drinking 8 glasses. A couple of other women respond re their experiences/thoughts at the negative effects of drinking too much water. All the water talk reminded me of Dr Emoto. I pulled his children’s book off my shelf --the one he signed: for Turtle Island. Then the light went on in a flash! What a great project for TW’s Heart and Soul. I had talked with another friend about doing a Heart and Soul presentation and that field of possibility was left open. This is that lesson about listening, watching and holding space for creative energy to fill in/evolve. A possible project that can help me talk about energy healing and power of vibration.

Yesterday three of us women sat at a kitchen table on a small farm talking about future goals and tasks. We talked about the seeds we want to plant in the Spring. We all got excited about pickling beets and clearing out the old asparagus patch. My job on the farm had begun. I noticed that the young woman was wearing gold and amber beads that I complimented. I noticed her looking at my gold and amber colored scarf that I had knitted. I think of these colors as angelic as honey bees.


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