
Monday, January 17, 2011

Personal Resilience

Rob Hopkins' article on Personal Resilience ( was a beam of light into my dreary and grey world yesterday. The walls I had been hitting had taken a toll. My response was to give myself a lot of positive self-talk.

I have my own demons that control some eating patterns. Others have demons that manifest in their own unique ways. I feel it as heavy lethargy. In some areas of my life I move too fast for others; in other areas I don't do things the "efficient" way. This darkness could be confusing if I didn't have an inner compass and inner resilience.

When I saw that devil in a confined space Friday night I wondered if it was Tracker stalking again. Yesterday I felt his toxic vibe. He refuses to change his creepy ways. He is a scout and for eons scouts have tracked and spied on their enemies and neighbors to get information in support of their own survival. Why does he continue to relate to me this way? Can we not move beyond this mentality? It's disrespectful and illegal. Tracker reads my comments on the internet and spies to get information or some distorted sense of connection. He then takes the information back to his community where they think he has a bright mind. They in turn repeat his words. I hear my language from his community. This is not pure consciousness. This is phony.

Mainstream people are speaking a new language that reflects subconsious activity. I hear it on TV, radio and in the community. This is pure consciousness. This is genuine because it rose up from dark underground. Collective consciousness is manifesting spontaneously in alignment with something new and higher.


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