
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mental Health

Capacity for Resilience requires a deep tap root into earth so that one doesn’t get knocked over by the winds of change that blow through moment by moment. These winds of change come from within and from others in one’s outer environment.

I see and hear others who are resistant to this idea, that action or person. I see and hear myself resistant when it comes to taking on more details in this linear world. I actually hit some sort of emotional, mental and physiological wall when I experience a learning curve and have to absorb more task oriented responsibilities.

Yesterday when this happened I was with someone who is a retired banker. He supports me in my role as Treasurer for the Grange. I have been under a lot of pressure lately (pressure that is not the same as that altered state) and was almost in tears when I learned of yet another task I had to do. He’s seen how I don’t handle this pressure well and yet I get over it/through it. Yesterday he put his hand on my shoulder which was a nice gesture of support and reminded me that I could do this. I felt at full capacity and got a headache in this process. Yet once I had my emotional melt down I was more receptive to hearing, absorbing and accepting the additional task/responsibility. So, in spite of my resistance I am learning and my capacity in increasing. This is a fascinating alchemical process. As I see it in myself I also I see it happening on a collective scale.

Capacity for Resilience also requires that the wires in one’s brain are not tangled or crossed. I am experiencing something that is a bit scary. I am checking out of this realm and skipping some important details in my day to day routine. I want to ascend and yet I have to descend to do all this work. It takes so much effort to ground at times. So I spell a name wrong on the reader board and I forget to sign a check…again. This is challenging for me. I have to have that tap root grounded in every moment and it’s a major learning curve. And that tap root has to be connected to my brain and it’s a major network overhaul!

Life gets increasingly busy as I get more engaged in my community. I have to draw healthy boundaries within and with others. There are tasks that the Grange wanted to give me which I refused to accept. And there are people who I choose not to be around. There are foods I can no longer eat on a daily basis. 2011 begins on a major learning curve!

I went to Fed Ex today to use their machines. I dread using machines that I don't know how to use. I dread learning curves! Right brained work is instantaneous because it's rooted in inspiration that rises up and moves through. And yet today I had new space...I was calm and collected. No doubt my melt down yesterday created new capacity in my whole system. So what is that process about? It reminds me of weather that is also alchemical.

My youngest daughter is pregnant and I will be gifted my third grandchild. She texted me and I opened to hear the heartbeat of this new soul! A very noisy nest! Later she texted me the image of the baby. I learned that one of the hospital nurses told the father, my son-in-law, who is Philippino, that there were a lot of people (spirits) around him and an association with a Hawaiian King. Now how amazing is that? At a local Tacoma hospital there is a spiritual reading for a baby in gestation. When I heard the heartbeat something deep happened in my heart and tears welled up. I welcome this soul into my personal family and this human family. May s/he have a safe journey through the birth canal and into this realm. Love is the capacity that welcomes this incarnating soul.


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