
Friday, January 28, 2011

Resilience Happens

So if my right brain orientation is hitting walls of my left brain I suspect that left brain orientated folks are hitting walls of their right brain. The pressure on this home planet is one and as one body we feel it and respond or react. How much resistance is destructive? How much is productive moving us forward in evolve?

I was wondering who would sponsor a Transition Rocks dance for Transition Earth Day UNLEASHING and someone walks in this coffee shop to chat about Grange business. I have gotten to know this couple and they want to sponsor the dance! Sometimes pieces fall into one's lap!

I am organizing Transition Woodinville in my style which is not the same as the neighboring Transition groups. I am connecting the dots and bringing the parts together into a whole to celebrate those who are exemplifying sustainability here now. This is an initial concentric ring and others will follow.

My favorite part of facilitating Transition Orientations is greeting people. I love this opportunity to embrace and welcome new faces and spirits. I hope to offer a third orientation in May after our UNLEASHING event.

Another miracle happened! The woman who was negative and confrontive has changed her tone and style of communicating. She is not attending city council meetings nor is she watching them on TV. Amazing! There are people in an organization I am involed with who have had "bad blood" for years. I can feel their rigidity and negativity. These people lack resilience of letting themselves and other be new in every moment. In my life change can happen in a split-second or in five years. One's sacred responsibility is to hold space for change...within and with others. This requires letting go of ego that is wrapped around mental mind. This requires letting Love and Truth ligth up one's path.


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