
Saturday, January 29, 2011


I walked past a man sitting at a table. I then stopped to look at the organic produce. I felt that vibe in my lowest chakras and knew what was being transmitted: sexual energy toward me. For the first time I turned and looked directly at this man. I had not responded that way before. I thought I'd give him the "evil eye" but his eyes were glazed over and he wasn't even present. This behavior of being treated like a sexual object is not flattering. It is an insult to my intelligence.

Are men programmed to breed? Are women programmed to be bred? Is this programming done via hormones of brain function? Isn't it time for new programming? The old one is very boring and destructive. It's time to light up/fire up new pathways of intelligence and in so doing all relationships will be new.

On CNN I heard that the people of Egypt were having to "digest the changes." Interesting how the gut is associate with change. And I heard one news anchor say that the head was separated from the body. I say it's time for new head and new body to break through the walls of resistance via a new network of resilient brain patterns that emit higher frequency brain waves.

The whole system is being reprogrammed and nothing can stop it. Get in the groove or get out of the way or another.


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