
Wednesday, February 9, 2011


On Friday naturopath recommended rosemary tincture twice a day and salmon twice a week. Saturday at a social gathering I lost that groove I had found and overate as if I was that 3rd grader “Fatty Patty”. Sunday I didn’t eat sweets but was off center and ate strange food combinations. Sunday night I went through a dark night of hell. My digestive system was in an uproar. In the middle of night I thought it would help if I would just vomit….sometime later I did. As a child vomiting with the flu was an uncomfortable experience. Now I was relaxed as I let my body move with these muscles that move matter and fluids in the opposite directions. It was actually a peaceful process of letting…the same as the elimination from the opposite end of body. I let my body do what it needed to do without shame or guilt.

In the midst of this turmoil I looked and saw a whitish skull filling in the SE and Darth Vader character with black cape above. Two legged Tracker of this realm was also transmitting his sexual vibes into my space (after 10 years he communicates in the same way!) Several days ago I was at the coffee shop and my computer started to act strange reminding me of the hacking that Tracker has done for years. So, I emailed him directly saying that the universe was watching him and he reaps what he sows. “Grow up,” I said. He acts out when I communicate directly and his presence this night was an obstinate stance. I am working at growing up and out of old behavior patterns…others refuse. Tracker is a wizard of darkness and pulls strings in this realm…where he can. I see that it’s his strings that are being pulled…by dark forces. I continue to work with dark forces within myself in my orbit. Yes, I'd like to eject them all but this is a process of finding balance in light and love. It's called the Aquarian Age.

Days later, Wednesday, I am on the other side with both feet on the ground. Some of us are willing to hit the walls and go through the dark hell. Not everyone has to do this. We do this as Warriors of Light.

I am not alone in this process and am very happy about that.


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