
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Feet

My feet are happy today. They sing as I walk! So fun to be healthier.

I was invited to be on the Board for Slow Food Snoqualmie Valley. I accepted. This is how my life works. When something evolves within something of alignment evolves without. Inner/subtle frequency changes matter and one's life! Transition is another example as I was ready for supporting head, heart and hands.

Going to see a Naturopath at Bastyr. I seldom go to the doc other than acupuncture. However, I want a blood test to get a picture of what my body is doing. I continue to be amazed that I am not craving empty foods. I have so much more energy and at the same time I am centered. Yesterday I tuned in to my whole being and noticed "we" (all my parts) felt like a gyroscope as drawn via turtle in my Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story book. I felt upright and balanced = equilibrium, homeostasis = happy.


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