
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Optic Nerve

I have two sets of eyes. My etheric eyes are associated with Kundalini force, reptilian brain and my shamanic/mulit-dimension experiences. The other set are my physical eyes that are associated with the optic nerve. I wonder what nerve my etheric eyes are associated with.

I poisoned my system over the holidays with too much sugar...which was much less than my old standards. Now I have to refine even more. I had lunch at an Indian restaurant this week and my taste buds lit up in response to the cold vegetable salad and the mushrooms in a yummy dish. These foods simply stood out. Very new for me. I notice I have more energy and I am more centered when I eat healthy foods while I'm sitting down quietly. It's one thing to spout the health standard and another to live it. I am learning to live it! And my whole capacity is reaping the benefits.

I am always.


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