
Friday, February 25, 2011

Dragon Eye

Powerful acupuncture today. Had to sleep and I'm still light headed. Will try chinese herbs next to balance my "deficient" system. I was told by the nutrition team that my diet is healthier than most people they see. I appreciate this positive reinforcement. I keep moving forward.

For quite some time I've thought about enlightened humans (for me that means when positive energy flows from heart, mind, body) as needles with eyes through which enery penetrates matter. Seems all the "chakras" are eyes through which energy flows as one system. Reminds me of Dragon Lines. Eyes of Universal Dragon.

Sacred Sites are Earth portals through which energy flows.

We emit energy and feel the effects as stagnation passes away. The poison has to release and move out. Planetary acupuncture is a healing art. It is Dragon Eye that keeps us moving onward and upward.


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