
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Transition Leap Quantum Style

At our Transiton social meeting with the first and second discussion groups it became clear that the two groups wanted to be in discussion together. I had thought it would be redundant for the first group but learned that they want to participate feeling that Transition information/inspiration is never ending. The second group wants the TW "elders" to be involved in their discussion process/experience.

At the meeting someone kept asking about projects and I kept reinforcing that what unfolds is up to the passions of the individual parts. I talkde about quantum physics and that we create our TW reality. I asked her directly what she wanted to contribute. She wants to teach a class in Food as Medicine. Okay we have a venue for her. Another woman wants to offer a permaculture experience. We had an idea for that.

And then the whole energetic and conversation shifted. People want to do projects with each other on each other's property! So the parts open up to each other's personal space in trust and welcome and the whole becomes more unified. I was amazed by this "creative genius of community." A quantum leap for sure!

I received an email of thanks from Rob Hopkins in response to a photo I had sent. I appreciate this completion of circuitry that in my experience doesn't always happen/ground in this realm.


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