
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Life Lessons

I learned to be tidy and organized as a child. It's a life saver these days as my brain/body wants to float away. To-do lists and a tidy home keep me grounded.

Timing is not what it used to be. I used to push myself to get the tasks off my lists. Now, I don't have that energy. It's as if there's a new force in place. For example there was something I was going to do weeks ago but never had the energy. Then the other morning it was crystal clear what to say and the energy was simply present. It's as if timing is not my own anymore.

I am so enjoying helping on the small farm. As I turned over garden soil yesterday the gal in the rabbit house brought me manure as her boyfriend was determining the best way to re-construct and upgrade. I love this co-operation and common goals.

Two women have complained recently about the lack of response to something they were putting energy into. They were complaining about numbers. I have done community events/projects for years and now for the first time I have a small Transition team working together. Numbers is not top priority for me. Quality is.

For me it's taken years to get to my new experience of community. It's been an evolutionary process...not everyone embraces or understands this. It's like growing a garden. The seeds have their own cycles and seasons. Humans simply need to garden in appreciation for what comes to fruition...moment by moment.

Working in community is teaching me how to manage red frustration/anger. If I don't I'm going to lose credibility! It's another learning curve. I have to learn this now because I have not had that community around me...I have been quite solitary when it comes to face to face relationships. This is changing!


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