
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crystal Cosmic Body

As the pattern of harassment and intrusion plays out on planet Earth so does the pattern of Cosmic Love. Yes, there is an intense battle between Light and Dark. This battle is chemical in matter and alchemical in electro-magnetism. The two opposites are designed to co-operate like a see-saw giving and receiving through harmonious feedback loops.

Gyroscope reminds me of hologram. It activates when it's aligned N/S and E/W. In my body I know the feeling of getting off track and off balance. I sense it and I receive the effects physically. These days this feedback loop is instant karma.

Planet Earth seems to be moving into alignment through powerful and turbulent natural phenomena...humans call them disasters. An earthquake effects the spin of an orbit; a tidal wave moves land mass. She is reaching for her North Star...her point of Alignment. She is reaching for new posture and position in a Cosmic Body.

The movie The Dark Crystal portrays it well.


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