
Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Heaven New Earth


Woke up to information about yesterday’s dream. The "spores" now magnetic “pilings” and the area on body was upper chest between heart and throat chakras.

My brain is not linear and it is often a challenge to engage in this linear realm. During the dream I was aware of a place in brain that was void of fire like hitting a blank wall. I am aware of that void in waking state as well. My brain prefers to focus on feelings that run underneath words and actions and listen and watch for non-linear signals. My whole body prefers to do manual “labor” than sitting in an office or do linear work at the computer. This is opposite of today’s "civilized" world. My brain is shaped in shamanic pathways. This simple way of Being is mystical and magical in circulatory patterns that loop.

Modern technology takes us on pathways away from Shamanism. Green Nature and new brain is our future. Old left and right brain are pulling on each other clashing for territory. Humans have a role to play in the outcome. We determine the future.

Shamanism is structured into linear teachings. Do this…don’t do that. I hear the purpose is to keep the student safe. It’s important that one trust one’s inner pathways through listening and watching rather than following the rules that someone external set up. Fear controls through institutions of all shapes and sizes. Peace prevails inside out. Groundswelling change will continue to happen on Earth and in humans. Imagine the music and colors when humans listen within and dance this music together.

Open heart, open mind, swallow, digest and express/act. Living in fear is not shamanic. We live in a loving universe. That is our message through our living. This focus dissolves the demonic attachments that have us living illusions built on fear rather than joy. Open heart, open mind in a loving universe that lifts us up rather than holds us down.

Drumming window held no images. Drum sounds massaged body that swayed in the stillness of cycle complete for now. No rules…just flow. Go forth and “teach” flow because one is consumed by it / in it. Brain is now feeling different enshrouded in stillness that pervaded through Native Ceremony at the Garden and dancing at pow wow. Usual busy mind with self-criticism and outer analysis shuts down. Very NEW!


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