
Thursday, February 2, 2012

ONE Light Body

I woke up this morning and wrote this. I did have doubts about posting it on Facebook but this journy is not about my ego fears and insecurities. I am coming out!

I am coming out – as a mystic – no longer concerned about being different and not fitting in. It’s time to talk my walk. 38 years ago I hit bottom, turned toward spirituality and in my first meditation met Archangel Michael who has been with me ever since.

I often wake up in the morning with information (left brain) and inspiration (right brain). For years I’ve been sharing these insights on my blog. Now, I am guided (which is beyond choice) to share with a larger community/family. This guidance is a Higher Power that I experience as Light: Sunlight, Moonlight, Rocklight, Treelight, Waterlight and all that beams in Nature. And this guidance is a Higher Power through Christ Light, Buddha Light, Krishna Light and all who beam through human form. It is ONE Light.

As humans we have many bodies: physical, mental, emotional, psychic, astral, spiritual. Are these bodies connected in Light? Or are they broken and stagnant in disease? Insight this morning is this: What attitudes, thoughts and feelings do we feed our energy bodies? This food is as vital as that which we feed our physical bodies.

Let's choose foods alive with Light so they cycle through us and into the world. My healing in Light supports your healing in Light. Your healing in Light supports my healing in Light. We are ONE Light Body.


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