
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Grounding Masculine & Feminine

To see what was hidden
Is to unlock a secret code

To wrap what was behind
with what is in front
is to break hypnotic spell

I’ve been working very diligently to close unconscious space around my compulsive eating patterns but I have not been able to overcome them; wrap around them. I have wondered if I was a puppet on a string with an outside force holding me back. I now feel /think that this breaking of new ground will free me from past unconscious patterns. I notice that I am already seeing myself as a new person who can make healthy and balanced choices on an even more consistent basis. I had been thinking about doing hypnosis…but this connecting of opposites might be just that process.

Time will tell. Time is evolution. Time is changing matter in relationship to changing light. Time is bringing the dark into the light and the light into the dark reminding me of the Mayan calendar, 2012 and this month of Sacred Spring.

Cold-bloodedness is warmed and nourished when meeting face to face, talking heart to heart, hugging body to body, seeing eye to eye. This diet of linkage and connection is liberating for one and for all and has an effect on our collective alchemical DNA.

I met with Fairy Congress friend Jan last week to share my Circle of Life booklet and project and to ask if there was a place for it at the summer event. Yesterday he emailed asking for a workshop proposal for the children. It would be fun to invite the children to map their relationship with Fairies. A wonderful opportunity to use imagination, dreams, and life encounters to create a fairy mandala. I am seeing these posted on a board for others to enjoy. Circle of Life is a way to listen and pull up Feminine creativity and then express it/push it through Masculine action. This push/pull co-operation moves all things forward in time

This is a new dimension of push and pull through masculine and feminine channels. The old way was from lack and imbalance pushing and pulling to get something to fill in a void. The old way created wobble rather that harmony.

I am giving a Transition Woodinville power point presentation at a Rotary club in April. I’ve resisted power point but it definitely helps me ground in detail and not be so emotional. I am appreciating my masculine side these days that grounds me. I want to build this “muscle” even more. However, too much masculinity is dry and too much femininity is wet. I guess the balance is in the weaving of the two.

I am learning about being grounded from two men I know. Viewing video from the SCALLOPS event I noticed how grounded and articulate Dana was in his introduction. I noticed how high-pitched and flighty I was. And as I was listening to Paul Wagner flute music I noticed how his voice/tone in one song grounds me….slows me down. I will continue to watch and listen for those masculine signals around me so that I can learn more about my masculine within. Is this another learning curve? No doubt!


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