
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hand of Goddess

“I choose who I spend time with” was a statement I wrote a couple days ago. It has stayed with me on the surface and has not dissolved in the alchemical soup of consciousness. I listen to what it has to say. It informs me that “I” do not choose and that there is a substance in between orbs that informs through transmission and reception (living breathing substance of fire dragon!). Here is true intelligence that one plugs into. This “knowing” is substance that one’s ego personality and brain-body is connected to and works with or not.

“Galaxy glue” keeps individual orbs buoyant and connected at micro and macro levels from cells to planets and stars. When there is disruption and collapse due to the lack of nourishing elements change occurs. It’s like throwing a ball of yarn and weaving a tapestry. When threads are weak or non-existent the whole fabric makes adjustments. This glue works with anchors and portals that ground energy in and through matter. Water, air, earth, fire serve in this way held in Her Nature.

I look at my pattern of “locking horns” with people in my life. Will I get to a place where I stop doing this? It’s not up to me and it doesn’t revolve around being spiritual and loving. It’s up to the elements and the alchemical soup in that momentary circumstance. The “glue” holds the karmic record and knows the laws that are working out. I trust this in-between substance that holds the parts together. I trust this substance that holds me and keeps me moving round and spiraling.

I am at the hand of Goddess. It is up to Her weaving and creating. Concepts, opinions, judgments in the outer world and inner world of conditioned ego are not an option. I plug in and ride the waves of the creative process. I am student and teacher. I listen and I speak. And in so doing I make waves of change within myself and around me.

Some relationships are disintegrating. Others are coming together. The ones unifying are creating larger networks and systems. It’s now survival of the united. This is a whole new cycle in my life. It's less work on my part as others take initiative and act. I support the whole.

Shape Shifting Hand

what hand turns the kaleidoscope of my days?
shape shifting hand turning mood
color to color, pattern to pattern
magical display of revolving sets

charging me with the task
of acting within them all

what hand plays the music of my nights?
taking me dancing through dreamtime
bringing me back
with riddles and magical codes
playing tricks with reality

written January 1994


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