
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thank You Dr. Jean Houston

Heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Jean Houston for spending time with us women of wisdom in Seattle. I feel that I have a new friend who speaks my language: Dragon Speak. Yes, Dragon was present. Beloved Dragon though other women referred to Dragon as shadwo and dark.

Parts of the conscious body are being pulled together. This has a direct effect on the subconscious and unconscious bodies. The aligning of these bodies is causing resistance from humans on this planet. Be not identified with that which is passing away. Be identified with Light that is pulling matter together into new systems.

I have a friend who is working with Galactic beings and talking to me about Reptilians...would they be a race? I don't know about a reptilian race. I do know that I have reptilian allies of other worlds. Interesting how reptiles are painted with a negative brush. He's also asking Angel Michael questions on my behalf. This man has become a comforter to me. A total surprise that evolved because of the choice he made not to lust after me but to see me as a sister. How do I know? He told me so. I am watching this man expand and deepen and the new quality of love between us is safe and pure. Thank you.

Lots of drama going on around me. I am very surprised at the solid boundaries that are now part of my nature. This is definitely masculine as my feminine is the one who goes with the flow. My masculine is speaking loudly: "No, that is not okay with me." It's an inner paradigm shift.

I have noticed a defensive pattern when I hear that someone has criticized me or when someone does so in my presence. It dawned on me that all I need to say is, "I'm not perfect." Why the defense? Because for so many years I wanted everyone to like me. Because for so many years being spiritual was being sweet and gentle with everyone. I wear a new coat around me and it gives me space to....laugh! The drama and suffering goes out the window with a hearty laugh.

Which reminds me that spending time with Jean Houston made me very happy. I was in my element as she gave language to my experience and language to experience in this world that I've never known. It was very stimulating to all my systems...and that is happiness shining bright. I plan to spend more time with Jean.


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