
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Garden Plots

Not so long ago I was moved by men’s sexual energy. Lately I am not. Standing next to my new “brother” I noticed that after I gave him a warm hug he kept his energies contained. There were no “solar flares” leaping out into my energetic space. I think I noticed that he noticed and will ask him. The impression made on me was that we were two orbs with space between us. What is this space if we are all connected? What is this substance that holds the parts?

I am having drama with two women friends. The energetic field in between was not being nurtured because of actions done, words said. I let them both know loud and clear that I was not happy with their behavior. We’re all like flowers in a garden that need water, air, earth and fire in balanced proportion. I am not accepting anything less than the best nourishment. Are we willing to learn and grow together? As always time will tell.


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