
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Desolation OR Happy Dance

A couple of Grange members attended the TW meeting Monday night and their tones felt bullying and arrogant to me.  (I seem to be more sensitive than others about these energies and I begin to wonder if it is defensiveness—and if so what am I defending? )  After the meeting my world felt desolate.  Everywhere I turned was a wall with a person behind it.  In high school I was popular…cheerleading and homecoming queen.   On this spiritual path since age 25 I am not so popular.  It was a restless night as positive and negative energies seemed to battle.  The next morning I felt numb. 

A social worker was at my clients’ home doing a discharge session.  I told her how much I appreciated her kind heart (total opposite from the nurse from Hell) and eye to eye, heart to heart, she echoed back to me the same words.  I lifted up a prayer of acknowledgment for this love that moved and noted rays of light getting through the desolation.  As my client and I were doing chores the clerk in the feed store was extra helpful and happy.  Driving to the bank a woman with a baby in stroller looked at me and smiled as she passed by.  Walking into the bank I pass one woman, a man and then another woman—all smiled at me.  Wow!  What a message from the Universe.  My morning was uplifted by people!

Imagine the positive emotion of happiness uniting parts of one whole locally and globally!  Imagine!  And then listen to people talk about “happy” being the wrong word and how it won’t work and why it won’t work.  Oh, the brilliant mental mind!  The Western Washington Fair used “Get Your Happy On” as a promotional jingle this year.  On TV I am hearing many references to “happy”.  Sorry mental mind you are not in control!  It would be wise if you would stop your opinionating and turn to your intuitive mind that is already revealing what is working.  Take a time out to listen and to be more respectful of the larger whole that your intuitive mind is naturally plugged into.  Mental mind and its ego is thinned in spite of resistance. It is losing its grip, its muscle.  The new music and dance is not me vs you and us vs them.  It’s a different vibe and universe altogether:  a Happy Dance!

My son is Executive Director of the Environmental Coalition of South Seattle (ECOSS).  He is having his annual dinner/auction this month.  I didn’t want to go alone as I have done in the past.  Logic mind thought and thought about who I could invite as a guest.  And I landed on the right person:  John de Graaf!  I appreciate his work that feels like clean/clear lines.  I experienced his production work at the 2012 Happy Conference and am using his KCTS/9 film to organize a Woodinville Happiness Initiative. I like his logic! 


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