
Sunday, October 7, 2012


I chatted with Montana friend Lisa when she was in Seattle.  As we talked about the Happiness Initiative I had the image of blood pulsating through body as a “transfusion” and used that word.  I guess that would mean happiness renews blood and with that hormones and oxygen.  I often see images when I talk with Lisa and unconsciously use language that reflects and supports those images. 

Two years ago when I founded Transition Woodinville a woman kept telling me that this and that wouldn’t work for this and that reason.  She is involved politically and sees lines of division. Now that I am starting a Happiness Initiative she emailed with the same language.  However, two days later she emailed saying that she hoped her comments weren’t “too negative.”  Wow!  I really appreciated that!  Her edges have softened! 

My recent collision with the Grange woman also had to do with her telling me that I couldn’t do something.  It looks like I don’t like to be told what I can and can’t do!  Speaking of this woman I remember our friendship starting in one community circle and then another.  One afternoon I attended a planning meeting for a festival and she shot daggers at me from her eyes.  She didn’t want me there!  I thought we were building a friendship and was shocked (and hurt because I am human with an ego/personality) by this negative energy.  She and I have gone in and out of conflict and I see her as very controlling.  I do know that underneath the negative behaviors is insecurity, fear and ignorance.  However, I will not be pushed around by this and I am pushing back.  This woman is also unhealthy physically.

As I move forward to develop a local happiness initiative I am looking for a fiscal sponsor and a team from the larger community.  I am starting with the Chamber of Commerce and one of their new projects called OneW.  To generate funding I will look for a grant and see if businesses, non-profits, and individuals will sponsor with a monetary pledge receiving recognition for doing so.  So far, business owners like this approach:  “_______________ makes Woodinville citizens happy through _________.” We can use these “pledges” in advertisements and on websites. 

Some people in the Chamber know me through my comments at City Council and see me as anti-development because I am pro-agriculture and small farms.  This “political” issue has divided our town.  I’m hoping the Happiness Initiative can transcend these differences by focusing on our common values of the nine domains of happiness.  Am I walking into a lions’ den?  If so I will simply walk out and move another direction.

I do appreciate the support from Laura in Seattle’s initiative.  It would be great if Happiness Initiatives had a Happy Bank globally and locally that offered financial support, language (heart language is not a drawn out ordeal but spontaneous knowing through the senses), templates for business cards, brochures, banners, a “happy” social network like ning, etc.  This support would be that heart pumping “transfusion” that unifies the parts.  It would not be rigid as there is imagination and creativity in the parts that want to express themselves as individuals.  The cohesive support would offer guidelines within which there is action through flexibility and resilience. (I see body parts loosening up like I am experiencing in my new yoga class!)

The Report of the High-Level Meeting
2 April 2012 · United Nations Headquarters · New York

This report is available electronically at or by contacting the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the United Nations at:
343 East, 43rd Street, New York 10017;
Tel: 212-682-2268;
ISBN 978-99936-892-0-1

Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged.

Suggested citation:
Royal Government of Bhutan (2012). The Report of the High-Level Meeting on Wellbeing and Happiness:
Defining a New Economic Paradigm. New York: The Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Bhutan to the
United Nations. Thimphu: Office of the Prime Minister.
Copyright © 2012 Royal Government of Bhutan

I get “charged” reading this report on what leaders of countries have to say about happiness.  This is the same charge I felt at Human Unity Conferences, Windstar Symposiums and most recently the Happy Conference.  This unified focus creates a lens that has the potential to transform the collective brain-body through transfusion – of what?  Of Light that moves and filters our blood!  I am now aware that I want to go to the United Nations and experience this face to face with others.



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