
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Flying Goddess Dream


With a friend and I had to be somewhere by 6:00.  She took off so I started walking.  Logic hit me with the overwhelming realizationthat my destination was a long way away (familiar plot in these flying dreams)  So, I intuitively knew that I would fly (familiar plot) to get there.  I lean back and let the Force move me.  I am sitting on a grey rubber inner tube (familiar plot).  I ask someone the direction of North and expect to move that direction but instead I move the opposite direction. I let the Force move me.  My lowest chakras are charged with pressure as I fly over land.  I close my eyes during the intensity then open them slightly to look around.  Below me is a country setting with two children on a path...both with very dark short hair.  Then I feel descension and see a bright and colorful temple orange/yellow in color.  The Force does a scan of the temple up...across...down...across...up...across, etc.  I see two women in the temple and they run out to greet me as I land (another common plot) saying, "A virgin has arrived!"  The same children are present. They clear a space for me in the courtyard and I fall on my knees sobbing.  I awake with tears in my eyes and the emotion continues in this realm.

"What was that about?" I ask.  It felt like I was "pollinating" the land with that sexual charge that has to do with divinity and humanity.  A Goddess and Fertility dream.

At one point the round tube where I was leaning was getting flat so I took my hands and moved the tube to a position that was more full.

What strange language these dreams.  The sensation of letting go and being transported is such bliss!


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