
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Demons to Dragon Ladder

Saturday 9:30 PM
My granddaughter and I saw the movie Paranormal4 that featured evil spirits possessing human bodies. In the movie foster children were vulnerable as well as fractured relationships/families.  It was as if wherever there was a void evil would fill it in.  The movie opened up new conversations with my g-daughter and I was able to share more about my metaphysical world.  After the movie we painted symbols that were protective.  She painted leopard patterns so I talked with her about totem animals and shamanism.  She said the sweetest thing:  “I wish you lived closer.” 

I watched The Exorcist Files on TV about demonic infestation, haunting and oppression. 

Demons want to possess, kill
Demons are associated with kept secrets
Holy water is used by priests for house blessings often making the situation worse; demons fight back
“Blessing of the threshold” by priests is powerful
Humans consent to evil and make pacts with devil; must disentangle
Don’t speak to the demon; don’t flirt or be lured into a relationship

One story showed a frightened autistic boy who saw the demon and after a house blessing was performed it vanished.  He then “got happy” and expressed emotion by hugging the exorcist (not usual autistic behavior)


That is my response to demonic haunting that leaves three straight scratches on flesh.

As I look around it seems to me that humans are sleep walking—half alive— which makes one half easy prey for demonic possession.  All the war, terror, hatred, rape, torture, war, addiction, bullying, etc, etc, is demonic possession in action as is the degradation of Nature and Mother Earth. 

The last words of the TV show: “We are up against something big.”

We can destroy a demon more easily if we know its name.  I know what name it isn’t:  joy, love, peace, happiness and by expressing these positive emotions I say its name loud and clear.  And, I do more….I am exorcising! 

Dark evil mirror image…reversing, twisting inside/out outside/in.  Two entangled in role reversal.  Ancient spells, potions, curses as evil creeps in (intuitive right brain)
like the buttercup in my garden overtaking space.  Evil is creepy!  We stop evil with healthy boundaries (linear left brain) often in circles undoing what has been done.

Saturday 10:30 PM
Rereading what I wrote I have to make a correction—undoing what has been done!


Dark forces are part of the whole and want to be acknowledged and included in consciousness through emotional expression of life! Consciousness includes the whole body!

There is a difference between evil and evol.  Evil is darkness out of balance.  Evol is dark AND light in relationship and moving forward…not stuck/blocked.

So, how do I honor these forces of dark negativity? Through language, art, dance, song, drum, rattle, feast, sex, fast, laugh, cry, scream, chant….e-motion holds evol.

Sunday 4:30 AM
Awake.  Mind wanders scanning the field of my life. What gets my attention?  What has something to say?  There was a definite sensation and image that came through last night as I wrote about mirror image and role reversal.  Now more information comes in.  The image is ladder that spirals….DNA and the murky image clears with the words “double helix.”  With that incoming information is another image….the shape of a being bending over the information W/NW/N.  The being is like a ghost without features only an outline…the word “apparition” comes to mind.  I wonder if it has a partner…dark on the other side?

How does darkness move in my life? It holds me back from being my highest Self which for me means balance…pH balance!  

How does darkness move in my life?  It speaks through me as I am honest about my feelings both positive and negative.  I use words not lethal weapons.  I use words that aerate the underground soil of my being.  Others may not like what I have to say….and that is the consequence.  A relationship is sacrificed or changed for the better with more positive space.  Relationships also hold pH balance.

There are two people who are telling me that I haven’t been at a certain meeting.  What?  I have been to several…did they not see me?  It feels like they are bullying me.  Why am I so sensitive?  Why do I even care about this?  I guess because it is not honest, true.  It’s as if these people are seeing the glass half empty…the negative.  I consider writing to them and speaking my words and yet why?  Why? To be true to myself! Considering all this I will probably write to them today to clear my own waters that move underground.

I have another person to whom I want to say:  “Get over your pity party—after 65 years!”  But I am holding back.  Maybe I can say that in a more caring way at some point.  This is my current dance with dark and light energetic forces.  People get on my nerves as if crossing some line that I hold/carry.  To honor this part of myself I want to speak honestly to them.  I, too, get on my own nerves and have to make inner adjustments and outer behavior.  Sometimes I watch myself and wonder:  “Who is this?” Is that what nerves are for?  To spark the signal of what is in balance and what is not?

How does DNA and double helix relate to the circulatory system?  How do nerves inspire the muscles of speaking, acting?  How are all these parts connected?  Through chi.  As more chi moves through the body of dark matter there is more awareness through image (right brain) and language (left brain) and with that union in “marriage” is new Life.  It’s an electromagnetic system of Love, Truth and Life that is changing the pH balance of the whole body.

It’s still dark outside.  Do I start my day or go back to bed.  I go back to bed and that image appears again with more clarity.  I am up and underneath that twisting ladder?  I am at the “underbelly”…of…who else? Dragon!  One linear word contributes to the intuitive imaging and thus whole consciousness.  This, my Saturday morning sexual encounter with inner male and inner female is orgasmic and divine!  This relationship sustainable!


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