
Monday, November 19, 2012

Love & Sex

I watched American Music Awards last night.  Pink’s performance took me back to age 25 when I was at the lowest point of my life.  I was in chaos internally and looking in all the wrong places for love.  Pink’s performance left me with that cold, dark, barren sensation of hell.  Yes, hell is cold!  Its energy put me into the lives of people addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex, food, etc.  It took me into territory of abuse.  Was this artistic expression?  Not for me.  Artistic expression uplifts and inspires. This performance gave me a sickening feeling because I have been in that chaos with men.  Chaos that leads nowhere like the war in Gaza.  For me this performance added substance to that war.  It was disturbing...and yes I am sensitive. 

Where is the sacred?  Where is spiritual intimacy that respects and supports Life?  Where is Love?
Love IS sexual
Love is union
Love is relationship
Love is contact with all life
Love is the whole in expression and sexually charged!

Talking with a friend is sexual, gardening is sexual, singing is sexual, eye contact is sexual, cooking is sexual, writing is sexual…life is sexual and includes the whole body not just lower parts.

Sexuality is more than physical.  Sexuality is spiritual intimacy.  Sexuality is Love.

Swarm intelligence is sexually charged and creative giving birth to new life.  Feedback loops are the new genitalia.  What would that look like, sound like on American Music Awards?



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