
Friday, November 16, 2012

Intelligence Shift of 2012

I now know what the key is to swarm intelligence!   I know because I just experienced a swarm intelligence rush that transpired in 6 days:

  • ·         Attend Dana concert about stopping coal trains and meet/learn  from about a scoping meeting to testify against the project
  • ·         In email to Dana I casually say that stopping coal trains makes all of us happy  (an ah ha moment with uplift)
  • ·         I want to testify Dec 13 at the Seattle Convention Center as a voice for SCALLOPS  (It’s not should I, could I, would I…it’s I want to...lens focused and inner gears lined up/charged)
  • ·         I contact Cathy Tuttle a long time leader of SCALLOPS.  She is in agreement.
  • ·         I receive confirmation that I can testify as a SCALLOPS rep—I have two minutes
  • ·         I receive Dana’s coal train flyer and start sending it to SCALLOPS groups asking for endorsements
  • ·         I participate in a Happiness Initiative conference call with other “practitioners” and in response to coal train action Laura informs me that Bhutan stopped big hydro by using their measures of happiness
  • ·         I write my talk around a Happiness Report Card
  • ·         I receive three quick responses for endorsements:  Sustainable Bothell, Sustainable Redmond, Sustainable Bremerton
  • ·         I attend Sustainable Seattle’s awards dinner and learn from John De Graaf that there is an actual report card that I can take as a visual to the talk Dec 13 (Sustainable Wallingford endorses)
  • ·         At the awards dinner that felt like a Green Chamber of Commerce with mayor, businesses, non-profits, health professionals, local food/farms, etc  I saw people light up in response to the Happiness Initiative (many examples of swarm intelligence at this dinner from greenways to Bullitt Center)
  • ·         Same day I receive an email from Lisa in Montana with Pull Together Now.  She has good news from Merle.

Wow!  What a rush!  What an amazing dance of intelligent parts moving as one whole body.  And what is the ingredient that holds us all together?  Feedback loops!  Not sluggish, not inert, not toxic but charged, buoyant and healthy loops moving with coordinated feedback!

The opposite experience happened when I was feeling enthused about connecting/collaborating with someone and asked for her phone number.  She said to call her after Thanksgiving.  That response felt like cold water on my charged interest and gave me feedback about what adjustment to make personally.  I am emotionally enthused/charged a lot and it has different effects on people.  Do people think that I am coming from ego?  Truth is I am coming from the capacity of happiness!

On the other side of the veil:  I am receiving feedback that I didn’t ask for—telepathically.   Twice this week I “picked up” negative information from people in my life and my emotional body responded with negativity.  This was not the overall energetic charge that is associated with this person or that.  This was more specific in that I was picking up their thoughts and even actions (like watching and hearing them on a screen).  I noticed my reaction and thought how odd that my emotional body would feel so strongly about telepathic information.  I engaged my logic, asked questions and did some serious self-talk.  Instead of reacting I would watch how this would play out through time. These negative experiences put "drag” on swarm intelligence.

Intuition is a window of emotional information.  Logic assists by processing the information through an emotional body.

Logic can keep me centered along a wisdom path and let me know when I get off course.  

Logic is an intelligence meter that holds the lines and intuition fills in the lines (like positive and negative space)

Intuition + logic = Words and Language = Action

Language connects us heart to heart, mind to mind and body to body in swarm intelligence. 

Emotion expresses through the logic of words, language and action..

Language has healing potential.

New body of emotion and logic uses language of intelligence in its action

Language of intelligence replaces weapons of war—on people, wildlife, habitat.

Mother Earth is Happy.

Notes from a United Nations Happiness Initiative doc and a picture of swarm intelligence!  Yay!!!!

1. a fundamental human goal is the deep abiding wellbeing and happiness that comes from living life in full, in harmony with our communities and fellow beings and the natural world. Realising this vision requires a healthy
balance between all parts of our national and global wealth including our natural, human, economic, social, and cultural wealth.

2. This balance is absent from our present system, which prioritises economic growth at the expense of nature and people. The current paradigm now threatens the survival of humans and other species, and is no longer an option. We need a fundamental transition to a new economic paradigm that serves human happiness and the wellbeing of all life on earth.



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