
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ways of Seeing

I'm noticing that I have two lens for two diffrerent ways of seeing.

One set of eyes will look at something, see it, walk away and not remember what they saw.  So, I have to go back and focus and it does feel like a "lens" process. These lens will read something and not even see the details.  It's as if I'm skimming the surface and not even present.  And it's as if I don't take the time to be with the information.  I am taking more notes these days so that I can retain the details.

The other eye/third eye sees without any conscious focus.  It's like an open window letting in fresh air and whatever the winds may carry.  This morning I awoke to a faint face of a wise elder, then a hand came in reminding me of my client's hands but that thought didn't get any response or charge so I am not sure whose hand I was holding this morning. (My client is in rehab and in distress.)  I think someone of another realm.  Then a Buddha face came in filling up the entire visual screen.  Then a monument appears with writing at the center and my Eye focuses in and I try to decipher the code.  The image stays for some time...much lionger than the last time I had this experience.  I am aware that I am now watching some force focus this lens that I am.  In other words I am watching this lens focus in.  And that is new because before I didn't have the
"capacity" to observe.  It's as if some sort of "timing" is evolving...and I think of muscles for some odd reason.

Someone is disrespectful and I feel hurt through my emotional body.  Another responds to me with Namaste gestures and I feel honored.  I am very emotional and notice others are not so much and yet they communicate their feelings in other ways that are not so straight forward and clear. There is a reason we have an emotional body and that is survival of the wisest.  It's wise to be with people who resonate so that intelligence can be more that the sum of the parts.  So that intelligence can uplift rather than do the opposite which is not intelligent at all:  drag down.


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