
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Solar System in Light and Dark

Frozen feelings, thoughts and words melted, aligned and moved through via verbal communication/conversation.  He supported the process and even helped facilitate.  We agreed on friendship and its natural flow.  Deep emotion moved in a safe place.  Quite a breakthrough!

It is new to be spending time with male friends.  I hike with one; garden with another.  Another one walks toward me and sits next to me in a deliberate way.  He wants to be close.  He occasionally comes through in dream time as a gust of wind with black hair flying.  These dances with men make me happy as I get to see and hear how men think, speak, act.  It's as if I am getting to know a new species (because I am new) -- maybe getting to know myself from new angles.

Sexual energy brings confusion for me and I set boundaries and talk about my feelings.  I am not promiscuous and not at all interested in "friends with benefits."  It's a new adventure as I listen within and honor my feelings and thoughts no longer dominated by sexual chemistry but by a higher order of intelligence.

These new orbs in outer space create a solar system reflected by orbs of inner space and its solar system.  It's a more diverse field with a lot more moving parts!  Life has never been more alive with wonder!

In Dr. Jean Houston's course there is a focus on one's life purpose.  At this time I don't have the ambition I had two years ago, one year ago and even one month ago.  Today I cancelled the talk I was to give to Rotary about the Happiness Initiative.  I simply do not have outgoing energy right now.  I am content doing just a few things during the day and the more open schedule I have the better.  This is a time of stillness for me as I enjoy life with family, friends, good food, bike riding, gardening, reading, an online course.  How simple yet satisfying!  I may want to travel this year.  I may want to connect with Earth in ritual as She is the Love of my Life!  This doesn't require a lot of dialogue or analysis.  Perhaps this is prayer for me.

"What is your strongest quality?" was the question Jean asked.  For me in this moment it's stillness.  I have been in this void again and again.  In the past it has overtaken as depression.  Now it is simply stillness with no movement.  Now I am content in the darkness for it is half of who I AM.


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